
Sunday 9:22pm

After dinner we played in the basement for a bit. Then Alli & Bri watched a Strawberry movie while I got B to eat some oatmeal. The big kids were in the tub by 7:10. I washed both of their heads and then let Brennan in. At 7:30 I took Brennan out, gave him some Tylenol, and tried to give him a bottle. He drank 3.5 ounces and appeared ready for sleep when Alli butted in to ask for help getting a dress. Yes, I was pissed, but nary a naughty word nor a cross tone escaped my lips. I put B down & tucked him in and he went right down. After getting Alli dressed I went to get Brian. We brushed teeth and that's when I heard Brennan. I lightly scolded the older kids for making so much noise that they woke up the baby and told them to pick out a book and I'd be in to read to them after I got B to calm down. B didn't want to calm down so after a few minutes I just put him back - he cried for a couple more minutes, but I didn't check my watch when it stopped. I snuck downstairs because I was tired and didn't want to read to the kids. Alli came down in 10 minutes with a nasty look on her face, wanting to knwo why I hadn't read to her. She snuggled under a blanket while we watched "Newhart" on channel 9, and "Extreme Home Makeover" on channel 4. At 9pm we came upstairs - Brian was fast asleep!!! I read Alli one book, got her some ice water, and here I am. Night-nights. I'm goign to get up early and clean up the room a bit. I did get the dishwasher run and swept the floor, and most of the laundry got done yesterday, but it'd be great if I can clean up a bit. I'll probably take a half-day on Tues or Thurs to get ready for the trip, too.

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