Annie is in Germany this week so I've been waiting for a chance to run. It was wicked cold & windy yesterday so although I worked from home, I didn't go - plus I was still resting my shins. Today it was snowy, but I'd made up my mind to get it done. After dropping off the boys I parked at the Forest View Fire Dept and ran from Fieldview to Jones and then down Jones until I got to the last "turnaround" before the gates. In total it was 3.2 miles and it took me 31:13. Wow - a palindrome!
I wore my Brooks Adrenaline 8's which already have a few miles on them, some starter tights, and my army jacket & shirt.
I'm going to try to keep on the grass / dirt trails for a while as it definitely seems to be helping my shins. Today was a hard run as there was a nasty headwind on the way out, and of course, I was too hot on the return. I specifically threw in some run hard / jog soft moments as I was trying to do more than 3 miles in 30 mins. My breathing was, for the most part, 3/3, but once I got to the pavement on Jones on the return, I was going 2/2, though I'm not sure if I kept that up the entire time back. It was a good run and I could really feel it when I finished. I walked around the Fire Dept a couple times to cool down, and then did a slow jog on my toes once around, followed up by some light ballet stretches. I started thinking about incorporating some speed work once a week, but I need to maintain my 30 mins, 3 times per week for a while to make sure I'm okay with it. Besides, my refereeing should give me some extra work & sprints, too.