
Day 12.1 - Monday - BFC - 4.4 miles

Didn't hit the road until 8:30am - shorts, no jacket, my blue Nike hat, and a long-sleeve shirt. Really throwing things crazy, I wore my NB sneakers instead of my Asics. I started at the fire dept, went right up Forest, left towards Walmart, and back up the Beartown hills - but not ending at the Fire Department. I then took a left onto Creekside and ran what I thought was a 2-mile route back to the FD, but it ended up being 1.8. I ran the Beartown 2.6 miles in 24:49 and the 1.8 in 17:06 for a total time of 41:55 which is a 9:32 pace. Not bad over 4 miles at this point. I'm dissappointed though because I thought I was running 5 miles. I felt great during the run and was glad to get out there as I'd taken off Saturday AND Sunday.
My left shin was hurting on the inside but it went away when I switched sides of the road and ran WITH traffic. I also spent some extra time warming up doing jumping jacks and lower-leg rotations - something I should definitely continue.