My journey in trying to balance a sedentary job with some workouts and a crazy-busy family.
I run because I fear the day when I can't.
2020 North Country Trail 100 mile Challenge mileage total: 7.12
Disney 2018
Brennan Asthma
Short story is he got 2 breathing treatments & some Prednisone. Dudey came over to be with Brian & Allison even though they were sleeping - weren't sure what the hospital would end up doing. Our NP was Linda Jennings! Everyone was friendly & helpful and they got him right into a room. Ben was the nurse who first evaluated him. Sandi gave him the nebulizer treatments. We had a follow-up on Tuesday w/ Kathy Galloway even though they originally said there was no room in the schedule - which is what they said Monday when I had tried to get him seen. She upped his Prednisone dosage and got us another inhaler for school. He returns today and I'm just hoping it goes smoothly.
Brian Birthday - Laser Tag
Brian sent out the invitations to his friends and we all had a BLAST playing laser tag! Uncle Andrew & his kids played also. It was rainy and dark at the start and thank goodness Annie brought extra hats, gloves, & scarves. It got warmer eventually. I didn't think 1 hour would be enough time, but everyone seemed happy afterwards. Once I got top-gun and another time I had the best kill-to-death ration (10:2). Brian invited Tully, Jackson Olson, Ethan Hursh, Linus, Phillipe, & James (couldn't make it). After that we went to Aniello's which was mobbed, but there was enough space for us - nana & dudey came also as that was where they said goodbye to Andrew & family.
R knee continues to improve. It's been 1 month. I feel like I could do the elliptical but still not running, lunging, or squatting.
Brief Gym Visit
Today I went to the Y and did 5 minutes on the elliptical and 2 sets of 10 reps on the leg extension machine. Nothing big, but trying to get a feel for how I'm progressing. R knee still hurts when I press on it and I can't bring my heel to my rear to stretch. But all-in-all, it's going okay.
Surgery + 16 days - knee & foot doing well
Knee still not 100%
L foot still having pain on the exterior if I try to walk normal. R knee still feeling swollen but mobility is improving. Mostly I'm annoyed about my foot.
Sick today
Up late Monday and I got hungry so I ate a very late extra dinner of pasta and 2 waffles. Tossed and turned during the night and woke with a headache. Went to work but left at 11 due to continued downward trend. Had to use the bathroom 4 times before lunch!
Slept an hour at home, then salad, get kids, slept another 45, and then spent rest of afternoon/evening running kids around the Twin Tiers. Healthy food day at least with no added sugar, lots of fruit and veggies, and some taco meat with dinner.
Knee continues to improve and I like that it's giving me a reason to limp as that is helping improve my L foot. I thought it was my plantar, but more like a bone problem I now think. It's also getting better.
Recovery continues
Medical stuff continues
R knee meniscus surgery
Backpacking w/ Brian
Love my 4" Sea to Summit pad. We were pretty comfy at night but for some reason we are ALWAYS on an incline and sliding down during the night. I need to bring double pillows from now on - I slept a bit but not soundly.
B puffy ear
Car Camping / Labor Day Weekend
State Fair / Labor Day Weekend

Camping recipe
I assemble my recipes by weight instead of conventional cooking measurements like tablespoons. This allows me to easily scale the recipe for larger groups.
Per meal per person you will need:
- Instant beans: 2.0 ounces
- Instant rice: 1.5 ounces
- Extra sharp cheddar cheese: 1.0 ounce
- Fritos (original): 1.0 ounce
- Taco seasoning: 0.2 ounces
Cooking instructions for perfect consistency:
- Add 12 ounces of water to the pot.
- After—or shortly before—the water is boiling, add the beans, rice, seasoning, and spices.
- Simmer for 60 seconds, stirring to avoid boil-over.
- Cut cheese into dice-sized pieces and add to meal.
- Add Fritos just before consumption. If added too early, they will soften.
Indoor biking
Trying to get the boys & me moving again
I need to lose some weight before the wedding and get the boys moving, whether my knee needs to be operated on or not. So this morning I biked at the Y (also need to get my # of visits in) and then this afternoon the boys & I did a Sworkit. It was a short 15 minutes but it can hopefully be the start of a pattern. Brennan has soccer starting tomorrow.
Overnight at Hershey Park

Roseland Water Park
Couldn't go visit Mary because the weather delayed her plane. Instead of sitting around the house, we took the kids to Roseland. $100 for all six of us for 4.5 hours! We stayed right up until closing, one of the last families to leave. Stopped at Perri's pizza on the way home for dinner - so-so, but not great. Annie only did one ride after Brian begged her repeatedly. The wave pool was great and we got to ride all the different water slide multiple times. It was fantastic.
R knee meniscus tear
NCT / FLT Weekend
First I went from Sugar Hill towards Watkins Glen...
Then I stopped for a break and had a Chicken Pesto Pasta MRE. Also had the cherry cobbler. The oatmeal cookie & breadsticks were gross, though.
In the morning I finished the rest of the trail from Sugar Hill to FLT map M14 access point #1. The scrambled eggs tasted okay, but man, they sure didn't come out well.
Finally I walked around some of the gorge and found the point where the FLT intersects with route 329.
My R knee was swollen before I started and this didn't help it much. On the brighter side, I made it. I wore a knee brace and it wasn't that hard but there were a few times when I had to take it really easy. The trail was well marked - didn't really need the map but it was great for swatting bugs away from my ears. The hardest part was Julie's Crossing as the trail was obscured. On the way back I actually went in circles once before finding it. There were also some parts east of Vanzandt Hollow Road that needed to be adjusted where it fell off the cliff due to erosion.
At night I had a nice set up with a hammock and a rain fly. It was good at first, but then it got wicked windy and rainy - I had to get up a few times to resecure the stakes and tighten the string. I tossed and turned a bit, but was still more comfortable than in a tent. I wasn't sleeping that well, but I was resting okay starting at 9pm.
Then a group of people came in around 10 and decided to start setting up camp. They didn't shut up until 4am. Eventually I even got some water in my hammock somehow and ended up going into the car at 5am. I then slept until 9:30.
So as of the weekend (20.61 miles) I now have 23.29 miles towards the challenge - almost halfway towards the 50, so now I think I can seriously look towards the 100 challenge.
Garmin Connect - Sworkit
STASL match - R knee swollen now
My ankles were sore during the game but post-game & next day my R knee feels swollen. Planning a hiking trip starting tomorrow so hopefully it settles down.
L arm itching returns
Garmin Connect - Sworkit
Garmin Connect - Sworkit
Garmin Connect
Garmin Connect - Sworkit
Garmin Connect
Hiking Robert Treman State Park
Garmin Connect
BSA Brian 7/8 - 7/13
Brett: Used my Sea-to-Summit 4" pad atop the cot mattress. I didn't sleep great, no surprise, but it wasn't that bad. The Walmart camping blanket left something to be desired, but I survived. Mosquito netting was fine, but the bugs weren't too bad this year. Hanging the netting - bring a rope and clothes pins - the only horizontal tent pole is at the apex and goes front-to-back. I saw one rig where a rope was tied round each end and loose so the netting would fit down to the cot.
It got very cold overnight and fortunately I had extra winter hats in the car. The only jacket I had was my EMS lined wind-breaker. It must be 20 years old.
WATERPROOF the shoes if they don't bring 2 pairs of shoes because of the morning dew. Brian wore wool socks so this wasn't much of a problem, but it could have been. He didn't wear his hiking boots at all.
DAYPACK is crucial to avoid trips back-and-forth to camp and avoid losing items. If you wear your jacket in the morning because of the cold, what do you do with it when it gets too hot by 10? Brian left his water bottle at stations constantly until he started using his backpack as his daypack. Nice to put hats, jackets, water in. Also will be good for Brennan & his wet swimming clothes.
See BSA blog for other notes.
BSA Boston Trip
Sleep system: Coleman air mattresses, sheets, sleeping bags, real pillows. My mattress kept deflating. Brian had an accident on his the 2nd to last night. And because it was so hot during the day and we were so active, it was a horrible time to not get enough sleep! But we powered through and made some nice memories. Fortunately I had purchased an air pump that recharges so I didn't have to have electricity because the camp site was hundreds of feet away from the nearest outlet.
Food: cold cereal, sandwiches, campfire pies, bag lunches, etc... Once or twice Brian & I ate out, but not much. It wasn't the healthiest of times, but it was fun. Although we had camp stove & cookware, we didn't use it at all. Larabar supply was completely consumed - love those!!!
Water: Gregory 3L bladder was key for me & Brian.
Ozark Trail day pack was very uncomfortable. And not having side-pockets to stash stuff quickly was a huge pain.
Clothes: Always bring jacket & winter hat in daypack! We went to Fenway to watch Red Sox and it got so cold they sold out of blankets! I bought us some hats and it was just enough for us. We weren't comfortable, but it wasn't miserable either.
Crazy weather! Wicked hot Friday & Saturday (90℉). Very chilly & windy Sunday (55℉). Rained Sunday night before we left Monday morning (67℉). A little of everything except snow.
First Trail Attempt
Scouts @ Kiwanis
I heated water & gave Brian some freeze dried spaghetti while I have rice w/ lentils from home. I slept well until 11:30 but saw my watch every hour until 3:30 when Brian woke to pee. I hadn't wanted to wake him but I was holding for 2 hours myself! At that point I grabbed a fleece liner and put it around my wind pants & coat. We then slept until 7.
My pad made a lot of noise every time I moved until I put a liner around it.
We again slept on a slope and slid down all night. Brian did great and was warm enough. I'll need another 0℉ bag I think!
Oatmeal for breakfast since the rest of the scouts weren't up yet. Love the new cooking system Annie & the kids got me for my birthday and it was only $27.
It's 10:30am and the scouts are just cleaning their breakfast dishes. Pete Reif is making chili for lunch, but I may stick with my mashed potatoes. Need to leave by 3pm to get ready for Easter Vigil fire.