The trolley was very informative - much more than expected. I loved the bit about no one being laid off during the Great Depression. Hershey was a class act by all accounts. Checked into the Springhill Suites around 8pm, then drove to Wendy's for everyone's dinner. Despite some objections we ate in the hotel lobby - much roomier, and no mess to clean up in our bedroom.
Monday went to the park. First did Fahrenheit. Ended w/ Great Bear, Reeses Tower, Trailblazer, Superdooperlooper, and The Comet. Did other stuff in the middle but the details are a little fuzzy.

We did some other rides - the whip, music express, monorail, the pirate, the claw, the howler, trailblazer - pretty much anything we passed where the line wasn't too long. The kids did the waterpark from 6-8 which was a bit of a dud. The Water Coaster was closed and the lines for everything else were insane. They did get into the lazy river (Water Coastal Highway) twice and I think they did a slide, too. While they were doing other rides I went to the car to get the swim bags and then I needed a break so I may have missed a couple things. The splash zone was refreshing but again, the lines were long.
By far it was a fun trip, but a lot of walking and work and unfortunately it was so hot. It was definitely NOT disney and there were several issues, mainly with the All-Day Eat & Drink deal. It was difficult to tell which places participated and which didn't. And if you wanted just a drink refill, you still had to wait in the entire line. I quickly got annoyed by that and just started bending the rules and cutting in front of people or pulling drinks from places that weren't technically on the list. Most annoying, the drink stations kept running out of drinks that weren't soda - lemonade, iced tea, fruit punch, even the slushies. One of the last stations we visited we asked the guy if we could get slushies - we didn't know if it was included or not - and he replied, "Yeah, if there's anything left." I mostly had water so not that big a deal but it was a crummy experience.
Also, the bathrooms were hard to find and on the small side. Directions about where to go were pitiful. A couple times I asked where was the nearest bathroom and was directed 200 yards away when there was one 50 feet away in the other direction.
And the paper map they handed out was either inaccurate or just poorly drawn. The Decades restaurant was NOT where we expected which we didn't know until we were looking for food & drink of course. Even the app directed us to an empty building. Finding help was hit-or-miss - the restaurant & shop workers seemed to mostly be summer help and sometimes didn't know, but if you could find a security guard, they were good. Spotting either of those groups was like Where's Waldo because they blended in with the crowd so much.
The night ended on a high note, though. After the water park it was a mad dash to hit as many coasters as we could before they closed. Evan, Allison, and I did the Great Bear which was recommended by everyone we asked. It was definitely a highlight and doing it in the dark was a bonus. We finally made it to Reeses Tower and while Brian begged off w/ Annie, Brennan wanted to do it - until we were ready to launch. Then he whimpered that he wanted to get off but we were already 20 feet off the ground & ready to launch. I put my arm between his chest & the shoulder bar for added comfort but he was really scared and held my hand every second he could for the rest of the night. We then did the Trailblazer which would have been better but a young girl right behind my head got in yelling past me to her friend that her intention was to scream as loud as she could for the entire ride and she succeeded. I stopped holding the railing and plugged my ears it was so painfully high-pitched. Then we did the superdooperlooper which, for me, wasn't much. It was only 30 seconds while Great Bear was 45. We ended doing the Comet which was a long ride and definitely a great thrill to end the evening. It was Brennan's favorite ride he said and he was so proud to get us on it. Annie didn't make any of the evening rides as she volunteered to hold the bags - we thought she didn't want to do any of them but she told us later that she had wanted to. She could have come! All the rides have bag holding areas you just drop off before the ride and grab on your way out. Hopefully a lesson learned.
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