It was a loss unfortunately, but a solid game. Everyone had fun and it was nice to have Mary there.
My journey in trying to balance a sedentary job with some workouts and a crazy-busy family.
I run because I fear the day when I can't.
2020 North Country Trail 100 mile Challenge mileage total: 7.12
Nutcracker In Motion
It was a totally awesome experience. My family was Allison, Landon, Brennan, Lexi, Caelyn, McKenna, & Rosalee. Can't wait to do it again!
West Point

The game was a blow-out and we were late arriving which meant late for tours, etc... It worked out okay, but could have been better. I fell short on the arrangements - no water supply and I didn't gather info on how to sign up for tours, where the scoutmaster activities were, etc... I could have done better.

Boys were exhausted on night #2. That's why Brian is wearing his winter jacket in the second tent picture.
Cycling Merit Badge

Camp Brule Camporee

FLT Multi-day hike: 31.46 Miles

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Gear List Here |
Also glad I used the skinny titanium set as they fit in the grooves between the floor boards. I set up the tent in the lean-to, I know I'm not supposed to, but I wanted another lay of protection from rodents & scavengers. I hears something run on the shelf in the lean-to and it knocked some acorns and screws onto the floor.
Full day 1 started well, though I could have started sooner. Love this picture below - how often have I seen those large green areas in the hills while driving and wondered what it's like up there? Now I know! Awesome view and a cool memory. There's a lake in the distance - Lamoka, I think.

Saturday ended up being the final day. The blisters had been addressed, but somewhere during the hike my socks got wet inside my shoes. The Leuko tape stayed on to cover the blisters, but the bottom of my right foot was really getting sore. And there was a TON of downhill which created the blisters in the first place. I definitely COULD have continued, but I completed 2 of my 3 goals:
- go on a solo hike and not die
- complete the previously abandoned attempt from Sugar Hill to Watkins Glen
- complete M14 map of the FLT

In total I was out from 5:30pm Thursday - 5pm Saturday. It was a solid test of my ability - mental & physical - as well as my gear. The Gregory Zulu pack was comfortable 99% of the time, the tent was solid during the extreme wind and roomy, the food was good and the cookset worked well, and the sleep system continues to improve. I can't think of much I'd do differently given the setup I had - aside from not carry extra water on Friday, take a set of flip-flops next time, and get some lighter items (already ordered a new 1.5lb tent). Still on the fence about the nalgene bottle. It was good when I wanted to roll out my calves, but it is definitely heavy.
I do need to stretch a lot more next time. It's 2 days later and my hamstrings are still tight despite my Yoga in the morning & stretching during the day.
Scout Camp Week
Brennan's first ever week of camp. Brian's 3rd week (year). Great week and can't wait to return. Warm, but not too hot. Bugs weren't bad until Wednesday night. Chicken BBQ dinner on Friday was not so good I thought, but Annie was pleased. Need to bring our own plates & flatware next time because the paper plates are weak.

**** The troop earned the spirit stick ****
They consistently did great on their inspections, site improvements, and Happy Hour.
5 miles on the FLT w/ the Boys
Brennan griped about having to go and then he had a rash on his waist and his feet were hurting. Still made it through without a big problem, though. It was all uphill at first and I considered cancelling - but the weather was perfect and the bugs were nearly non-existent. Good start to the Hiking merit badge.
2019 Memorial Day Weekend - Old Forge, NY

This is the first time we took Belle on an extended trip and we were pleasantly surprised with how well she did. It was awesome to have her along. It did prevent us from going on the lake cruise, but otherwise it was great. We did leave her alone briefly while we took the kids to Calypso Cove.
Friday morning it was a long drive as both the dog & the boys needed to pee a few times. We actually stopped by some cemetery on the outskirts of Rome to pee before getting onto 365 & going through Holland Patent which was surprisingly emotional for me, though I didn't show anything. Weird. Joining Rte 12 & going to Old Forge also brought about many memories - how many times did we make that trip as a family? Funny thing is I remember going up there, I remember the gliders and the park in the center of town, but I don't ever remember eating up there.
The town hasn't changed much. The general store - which we visited Sunday on the way out of town - is still one of the main attractions. Now that we had Belle, it was easy to notice just how many dogs there were in town and how they were in almost every store - both by the store owner & by patrons. It made the whole place feel more welcoming I think.
The Candy Store was a phenomenal hit (see pic of boys w/ candy cigarettes). Lots of old-time stuff from when Annie & I were kids. Right across from it was a working payphone which really threw the kids for a loop. Allison tried to use the coin release so she could get quarters to make a phone call. Brian had to ask what a dial-tone was - I had asked if the phone was working by inquiring about a dial tone. Allison wanted to use 50 cents to call someone local but we didn't know anyone local and she said, "Wait. We're here so we are local." It was a gas!

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a man, his family, an apple, the wild, and his thoughts. does it get any better? |
Weather was great - cloudy, slight breeze, but warm enough for just a sweatshirt or windbreaker. Bugs were non-existent until the day we left. Never had to use sunscreen. The one regret was not getting to hike in the woods, but no everyone had a 2nd pair of shoes and it was very wet up there. Annie doesn't think it would work as a yearly tradition because it would get boring, but I'll keep pushing the issue. I actually think it would be wild to see a movie in their old-time theater.
On the way home we took a really backwoods way to get through from Remsen to Westernville. It was very cool to see the old church, the town, and Woods Valley. It was nice that Catherine had been there recently and put a nice plant on the Nordman gravesite. Weird to think how in a few years, no one will visit that patch of land. None of the rest of us will be buried nearby as far as I know.
But then we had a really cool stop at the Lake Delta Dam. I jogged across the bridge with the kids while looking straight down which still gives me butterflies in my stomach. The kids finally understood what I've been talking about all this time. We didn't get to spend more than 10 minutes there so we couldn't go to the glory hole or anything on the other side, but it was a really cool sight with the water coming over and showing them the river & the old loch. We also stopped by the Elmer Hill Road "house" and Brennan and I climbed a tree briefly. The lady in the old Huntley house had red hair just like Linda! She just looked at us with curiosity and we left after another 10 minutes - I showed kids the cove but didn't make it to the edge by the lake. Next time.
Wrapped the weekend with family Memorial Day on our porch with Evan, nana, & dudey. We picked up Evan on the way home Sunday - van was very cramped! Brought him to Ithaca on Monday night so it was a short stay. At the cabin I slept on the floor on a backpacking pad (NEMO) which was fine - Brennan w/ Annie in double bed, and the others got their own bunk. No way we could have included anyone else, though.
6 solo miles
Six more miles today. Ended up going solo which was okay since I was pushing to close a loop on the M13 section I'm working on. Bugs still not bad - only had one on me the whole trip. Rain pants are 20 years old and they need to be replaced! I took off the jacket after 1 mile and just used my hat to regulate temperature.
Garmin Connect
Garmin Connect
Doctor visit with Katie Miller
Xrays showed no problems!
I'm feeling much better today and in general the shoulder has been improving. She agreed the ibuprofen definitely helped and it was the right thing to do to take 2400mg / day, though long-term that was not something to continue.
There are some exercises to improve mobility & strength. I'll check again in 2 weeks.
I'm feeling much better today and in general the shoulder has been improving. She agreed the ibuprofen definitely helped and it was the right thing to do to take 2400mg / day, though long-term that was not something to continue.
There are some exercises to improve mobility & strength. I'll check again in 2 weeks.
Ouch again
R shoulder wicked tender today. I did my regular workout yesterday but added some bent over single arm rows with 15lb weight. Spay did one set of wide arm push ups. Will try to rest.
3.72 solo miles
Nice & chilly to start with pleny of mud. Hence, I didn't bring Belle. The boys were still asleep when I left and I wouldn't have made them anyway - I wanted to put in some miles and get over 10 for the year so I just listened to Backpacker Radio while I walked. Had some good laughs and still made it home in time to get Brennan to the church Easter Egg Hunt.
Backpack was about 29 lbs and I considered not even taking it, but in the end decided it was a better idea to take it just in case. Not sure why it's so heavy, though - maybe due to the switch in sleeping pad & addition of water. I really packed like I was going for a few days including puffy jacket, rain gear, pillow, liner, etc... A little annoyed I didn't make it to the next parking spot.
Backpack was about 29 lbs and I considered not even taking it, but in the end decided it was a better idea to take it just in case. Not sure why it's so heavy, though - maybe due to the switch in sleeping pad & addition of water. I really packed like I was going for a few days including puffy jacket, rain gear, pillow, liner, etc... A little annoyed I didn't make it to the next parking spot.
3 Dudes Hiking
Unexpectedly chilly and light rain throughout. Brennan really fought us about going, but Annie supported his going and after his nap on the way to the trail, he was in good spirits. Lean-to site is wicked awesome. Really need to remember to wear boots & bring extra socks! Muddy in some spots and with the steady rain, we weren't quite ready. Short trip, though so no biggie. I carried my 20+ pound pack. Boys carried daypacks with water & snacks. Brennan & I wore sneakers - stupid choice. Found a tick on my pants as I was driving home - yech.
Weight loss
On Jan 31 this year I was 235. Today down to 219.7. I've been drinking 1 gallon of water per day for over 2 months. I cut out almost all sugar & simple carbs. Sleeping more & exercising. Not hours & hours of sweaty back-breaking exercising. Just getting up, going to the gym & riding the bike or doing bodyweight for 30-40 minutes. And stretching. Also added small amounts of meat, mostly tuna & shrimp, to my diet. Can I lose another 10???
Hiking w/ the Boys
Got both boys to go with me, but Lil b wasn't happy about it at first. He didn't gripe much, but he wasn't his usual jolly self. Got a nice bit of hiking, but not as far as I was hoping - started an hour late and took many mini-breaks for the kids. No dog today - too muddy and I wanted to be able to focus on the boys. My L foot external edge gave me a bit of grief after 1 mile, but not enough for me to stop. I did wear a 20 lb pack - sleeping bag, tent, bear canister (full), cook kit, toiletries, and 2L of water - lucky I had 2 bottles as Brian missed packing his in his pocket so he took one of mine.
Lessons learned:
Lessons learned:
- Bring contractor bag to keep pack contents dry!
- Turn around on path intermittently to be sure trail is marked both ways (especially near fallen trees) - and see if you dropped anything :-)
- Double check your load! Brennan chose to not bring his pack which didn't click to me, but that meant we didn't have his emergency inhaler OR a first aid kit. Stupid.
FLTC Miles - finally!
Finally, it wasn't freezing, raining, or record wind and there was nothing on the schedule. I could have gone longer I think, especially since I didn't have a backpack on, but since I hadn't taken Belle out for a while I wanted to get her back. My goal was to put in a couple miles, find the lean-to, and be back in time to take Allison to dance. All accomplished.
R knee, R shoulder
Walked 16,800 steps on Saturday up at RIT for Merit Badge University. Wore my Brooks trail shoes. Felt fine at the time but feet & ankles have been hurting since. Not sure if it's because of the jump in distance or the shoes, but I recall other times wearing them & feet hurting the next day. I've since switched to my cheap Adidas and things are getting better.
R shoulder feels great today! Removed arm rest of work chair and in driver seat of the van. I do some gentle stretching & strength exercises and avoid sleeping on it. Hope to be 100% next week.
R shoulder feels great today! Removed arm rest of work chair and in driver seat of the van. I do some gentle stretching & strength exercises and avoid sleeping on it. Hope to be 100% next week.
Yearly physical
In 2018, my first w/ this Dr, I was worried about hip pain, eyes, and mole on my back.
In 2019, I was worried about R shoulder pain, mole on my back, and I decided my eyes were just dry from the cold. Need to make appointment w/ dermatology to get mole removed.
In 2019, I was worried about R shoulder pain, mole on my back, and I decided my eyes were just dry from the cold. Need to make appointment w/ dermatology to get mole removed.
Water, water, everywhere...
As of 1/28/19, I'm drinking 1 gallon of water per day...
Books I've read in 2018
World War Z, The Help, Dragonlance: Chronicles Trilogy, Time of the Twins, War of The Twins, Test of The Twins; David Morrell: The Protector, The Naked Edge, Long Lost, Covenant of the Flame, First Blood, The Totem, Creepers Koontz: The Silent Corner...
Backpacking practice w/ Brian
Finally got out this year - had to push this back twice and didn't to get to go to FLT as I had hoped. But felt great to get out. Brian's new pack seemed fine and he loved the trekking poles. He was quite adventurous and had a good time.
Here are a few pics.
Here are a few pics.
Hope crap my R shoulder hurts. No idea why except for sleeping on my side. It's never felt like this, though.
Start of 2019
It's been a slow, sad, depressing end to 2018 in the way I have failed to get enough sleep, eat well, or otherwise take care of myself. Hoping for a better attitude & commitment going forward. But I have been blessed with a beautiful family and so many things God has forgiven me for, I need to focus & take advantage.
Annie is w/ her parents in FL - they flew down today.
Allison is at the Updyke's overnight.
Just the boys, me, Belle, and Stella. Went to bed at 11pm and they are sleeping soundly but I stayed up to look over some things. Tomorrow taking J and the kids to the Rochester Museum of Play - I'll be missing a New Years Day hike on the FLT, mainly due to Brennan's asthma, but not much you can do about that.
Annie returns Thursday.
Annie is w/ her parents in FL - they flew down today.
Allison is at the Updyke's overnight.
Just the boys, me, Belle, and Stella. Went to bed at 11pm and they are sleeping soundly but I stayed up to look over some things. Tomorrow taking J and the kids to the Rochester Museum of Play - I'll be missing a New Years Day hike on the FLT, mainly due to Brennan's asthma, but not much you can do about that.
Annie returns Thursday.
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