
End of Week 2

Another week down I'm happy to say. It was tough today - the baby was up 4 or 5 times and we were up late getting ready for a birthday party. We woke around 6 and I griped about not being able to run before Annie basically forced me out the door - thank God for her! It was a tough run on the hills of Corning, but it was worth it to stick with the program. I continue to feel better and lose a few ounces each day - I'm down to 224.4. Not sure how the food at the birthday party will affect me, but I hope to drink lots of water and be conscientious about it.

I tried to run in my Under Armour Renevant sneakers, but again experienced the pain on my toes from yesterday so they never made it out of the door. My Brooks Adrenaline trail shoes were great, though. It's amazing the differences between running inside and outside. You can spit when you need to which is nice, but there are so many other variables - the road surface, the wind, the cold making your eyes tear...Week 3 starts on Monday with 5 min run, 1 min walk repeated 5 times. My shins are sore after runs, but fortunately that doesn't carry over - hopefully that trend will continue.