Crappy run today.
Yesterday it was in the 50's. This morning it was below freezing, there was a nasty headwind coming off the hill, and I didn't run until 8:30am instead of my normal 5:30am. To top it all off, it felt like I was constantly gliding down a hill (resting in other words) or sprinting up a hill which is not good for my achilles. I couldn't find any sort of rhythm to either my breathing or my stride. It was annoying. From now on I'll have to drive / bike down to Market street and start there. I hate to use the gas, but it's less important than my health.
On the brighter side, I stuck with it and did the full 30 mins. I kept thinking of this weeks motivational quote by Henry Ford: "Obstacles are those frightening things that become visible when we take our eyes off our goals". I also remembered reading that we should expect good days with running and bad days, too, just like with everything else so upon reflection, the thing to focus on is that I did it. My shoulder is feeling better, the pain in my back is gone, and my shins aren't bugging me. I did notice that when going downhill I tended to let my left leg take most of the impact and just slid my right leg alongside - sort of like going downhill sideways. Once I noticed that I switched and I think my left shin feels better than it usually does.
My weight spiked a bit as I'm up to 225.4 this morning, but we had a dinner party last night with some excellent lasagna and I even allowed myself some dessert. Plus I was famished all day for some reason and ate too many crackers w/ cheese and not enough fruit because I hadn't brought enough with me. Getting back on track today plus some smart planning next week and 220 is definitely in sight. The schedule gets crazy next week with repeats of 8, 9, 10, and 11 minutes so my intensity should be going up, too.
Yesterday it was in the 50's. This morning it was below freezing, there was a nasty headwind coming off the hill, and I didn't run until 8:30am instead of my normal 5:30am. To top it all off, it felt like I was constantly gliding down a hill (resting in other words) or sprinting up a hill which is not good for my achilles. I couldn't find any sort of rhythm to either my breathing or my stride. It was annoying. From now on I'll have to drive / bike down to Market street and start there. I hate to use the gas, but it's less important than my health.
On the brighter side, I stuck with it and did the full 30 mins. I kept thinking of this weeks motivational quote by Henry Ford: "Obstacles are those frightening things that become visible when we take our eyes off our goals". I also remembered reading that we should expect good days with running and bad days, too, just like with everything else so upon reflection, the thing to focus on is that I did it. My shoulder is feeling better, the pain in my back is gone, and my shins aren't bugging me. I did notice that when going downhill I tended to let my left leg take most of the impact and just slid my right leg alongside - sort of like going downhill sideways. Once I noticed that I switched and I think my left shin feels better than it usually does.
My weight spiked a bit as I'm up to 225.4 this morning, but we had a dinner party last night with some excellent lasagna and I even allowed myself some dessert. Plus I was famished all day for some reason and ate too many crackers w/ cheese and not enough fruit because I hadn't brought enough with me. Getting back on track today plus some smart planning next week and 220 is definitely in sight. The schedule gets crazy next week with repeats of 8, 9, 10, and 11 minutes so my intensity should be going up, too.