My journey in trying to balance a sedentary job with some workouts and a crazy-busy family.
I run because I fear the day when I can't.
2020 North Country Trail 100 mile Challenge mileage total: 7.12
Surgery + 16 days - knee & foot doing well
Knee still not 100%
L foot still having pain on the exterior if I try to walk normal. R knee still feeling swollen but mobility is improving. Mostly I'm annoyed about my foot.
Sick today
Up late Monday and I got hungry so I ate a very late extra dinner of pasta and 2 waffles. Tossed and turned during the night and woke with a headache. Went to work but left at 11 due to continued downward trend. Had to use the bathroom 4 times before lunch!
Slept an hour at home, then salad, get kids, slept another 45, and then spent rest of afternoon/evening running kids around the Twin Tiers. Healthy food day at least with no added sugar, lots of fruit and veggies, and some taco meat with dinner.
Knee continues to improve and I like that it's giving me a reason to limp as that is helping improve my L foot. I thought it was my plantar, but more like a bone problem I now think. It's also getting better.
Recovery continues
Medical stuff continues
R knee meniscus surgery
Backpacking w/ Brian
Love my 4" Sea to Summit pad. We were pretty comfy at night but for some reason we are ALWAYS on an incline and sliding down during the night. I need to bring double pillows from now on - I slept a bit but not soundly.
B puffy ear
Car Camping / Labor Day Weekend
State Fair / Labor Day Weekend