
History of Otto Nordman

Born 25 Jan 1885 as GEORGE OTTO EBERHARD LOTHAR SCHNEIDER in Heppens, Germany. Soon after (1886) brother Rudolf was born, traveled to Bismark archipelago with mother & father (Sakar Island). Father was surveying German acquisitions and commanded the ship "Isabella" / "Ysabela".

Returned to Germany to Marmstorf (later to Tunning) most likely before 1890-01 to begin formal education.

Incorrigible at school because of clothing and restrictions unfamiliar to south sea islands, placed aboard a sailing ship as a cabin boy at 8+ (1893). At completion of voyage had become docile enough to complete schooling in 1900.

In July of 1900 began merchant seaman career sailing as common seaman, able seaman and finally as 2nd mate (had earned captains papers) on ships "Eberhard", "Ascuncion", "Gesine", "Anakonda", "Prometheus", "Essen", "Paula Blumberg", "Berger Wilhelm" and others. Took passage as sailmaker from Hamburg to Buenos Aires from Oct thru Nov 1909 aboard "Cap Bianco" for purposes of immigration.

Dec 1909 thru 1914(?) worked as field hand, later as "Gaucho" and / or horse drover. Knowledge of German & Spanish language landed him work with German surveyor and American engineers siting the trans-Andean railroad. Familiarity with seamans sextant allowed his repair of broken transit that saved several months delay for engineers and earned invitation to USA and eventually position as surveyor.

Arrived USA as a visitor in New Orleans on May 1914 and is believed to begin proving up his homestead in Louisiana(?), and was joined by his youngest brother, Erwin. He married Eveline VerHeyden in Pinesville, Louisiana in 1916 but soon abandoned his wife and traveled Oklahoma and divorced Eva Schneider on 2 Nov 1918 in Garfield County OK after one year residence.

1918 thru Dec 1940 worked beginning with Gypsy Oil Co which became Gulf Oil Co as a surveyor and later as field geologist, mapping many of the oil fields in OK, KS, and NE which required moving every 2 or 3 months. Studied geology and earned pilots license during the early part of this period. Naturalized on 29 Jan 1925 in Tulsa county and changes hist last name from Schneider to Nordman at that time. In 1929 visited Germany and met Elisabeth Stahmer of Wandsbeck. Married her on 24 Aug and returned to USA alone. New wife followed and arrived in NYC on 25 Nov 1929, continued to Oklahoma and joined him as housewife and traveled about mid-west because of his work. Five children came of this union.

During 1940-41 his outspoken pro-German / anti-British attitude forced his resignation from Gulf Oil Co. Family applied for passports to travel to Paraguay to live with his brother, Erwin. Traveled to NYC area to be near transportation. Passports and travel denied because of "unsettled conditions" and became trapped (jobless) in this area when USA entered WWII. Though skilled and educated he was unable to hold a good paying job during WWII because of his known pro-German sentiment and sustained his family by holding down multiple menial jobs at the same time.

From 1941 thru 1955 the family lived in New Jersey, but upon receipt of Social Security in 1955; he sailed as passenger on the "Italia" to Germany where his Social Security payments afforded a better standard of living. In Germany he returned to school to refresh his maritime training and was once again issued a merchant seaman officer's certificate. He sailed as second mate on "Frieda Wilckens" from 11 Apr to 17 May 1957 (age 72). After vessel returned to port he remained on board as "port watch" and was injured in an accident aboard ship. During recovery from injury he suffered a heart attack. After a second heart attack a relative took him to Lorrach where he dies on 27 July 1958. He is buried near Lorrach, Germany.

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