I made all the purchases & arrangements for this. Even did the grocery shopping. For my very first event, it went okay.

Drove to Camp Bullowa on Friday night. Advance party was supposed to be Matt, Paul, & Sara, but Matt had house trouble and Sara had a surprise Dr appointment so I had to get the boys out of school quickly and get on the road. Because of that, we didn't arrive before dark which made setup difficult. We never even deduced if we were in the correct camp site or not.
The game was a blow-out and we were late arriving which meant late for tours, etc... It worked out okay, but could have been better. I fell short on the arrangements - no water supply and I didn't gather info on how to sign up for tours, where the scoutmaster activities were, etc... I could have done better.

After the 3rd quarter the scouts decided to visit the West Point Museum which was cool. But it was closing soon after we arrived - started late because some scouts were in the bathroom / food lines. After the museum we had to walk briskly back around the stadium and luckily caught a bus to take us back to our parking site. Then we were in the dark, AGAIN, trying to make dinner - frozen hamburger foil packets.
Boys were exhausted on night #2. That's why Brian is wearing his winter jacket in the second tent picture.